
Showing posts with label John Frazer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Frazer. Show all posts

Monday 16 July 2012

All the Rage - Review

All The Rage
Written by John AD Fraser
Presented by Tamarama Rock Surfers
Directed by Leland Kean
Reviewed by Catherine Hollyman

If you’ve been to the Old Fitzroy Theatre, you’ll know that the small performance space doesn’t afford the production company much scope with set design. All The Rage takes this to the extreme. The plain white back drop, two doors and lone chair tell us very little about what’s to come.
Like all good Irish plays, it gets off to an energetic start with a good ol’ Irish jig that has everyone tapping their feet. Right off the bat, despite the accents being difficult to understand, Fraser’s sharp-witted writing laced with sarcasm shines through and it’s drier than The Great Victoria desert.
The Boiler and the Baker make the perfect comedy duo. I would love to have seen their relationship develop more. It felt like a cross between Laurel and Hardy with Tom and Jerry – a collaboration that earned them plenty of laughs from a captive audience.
There were a couple of special effects some of which worked some that weren’t quite as effective, or even necessary. Although the visual impact of red blood against the white wall is striking.
The ending crept up all too quickly which made it feel untimely and rushed. In the main though, I was completely absorbed, so much so that I forgot I was watching live theatre. I'm not sure if it felt like I was at a cinema or a fly on the wall, but real time stood still and I was happily swept up into a different world for an hour.
Booking Information

Dates: on until July 14th
Times: 8pm
Venue: The Old Fitzroy Theatre, Cnr Cathedral and Dowling Sts Woolloomooloo
Book: Here or call 1300 241 167
Tickets: $25 Conc, $33 Adult