
Showing posts with label Chippendale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chippendale. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 July 2012

As You Dreamt It

As You Dreamt It

Reviewed by Jane Stabler

Usually your own dreams are weird enough without getting insight into someone else’s, but that’s precisely what this exhibition is for. BMF has partnered with leading photographers to recreate and capture people’s dreams as accurately as possible.

Showcasing 24 dreams, it is easy to guess that most people will see elements of their own dreams within those displayed – some good, and some not so much – but the underlying theme is clearly how active our minds are at night, and how bizarre the results can be.

In a well suited space, with a substantial online component featuring behind the scenes content from the photo shoots, plus insights from the dreamers, the photographers and dream doctor Martina Kocian, As You Dreamt Is a wonderful exhibition.

A presentation of both fine photography and fine imagination, anyone with an interest in either is likely to find joy here.

Where: 31 Meagher St, Chippendale, Sydney, NSW
Date: 21 - 28 July 2012

Opening Hours:
Saturday 21st July 2 pm - 8pm
Monday 23 July - Friday 27 July 4 - 8pm
Saturday 28th July 2 pm - 8pm
Tickets: FREE 
visitors may also get their own dreams analysed.