
Friday, 27 September 2013

Have you lost your inner child?

It is a sad fact of today's society that we take life way too seriously. Children play less in the traditional sense and many adults don't play at all. As a consequence we get more stressed and our health suffers. The more stressed we become the less likely we are to function at our true potential and end up leading unhappy lives. Children generally are not taught to play which makes them, as adults, even less likely to become for-filed.  As an educationalists I saw this first hand in the UK when the National Curriculum was first established. It removed all forms of play and became solely focused on test results. Many young children were not ready for this structured regime and became destructive in the classroom. Children learn many life skills through play such as sharing, communicating and interacting with others, developing imagination and a range experiences.
These thoughts are shared by Dr Adam Fraser, evian Live Young expert and leading human performance researcher who said "play is not just for kids. In fact, it is vital that adults enjoy some play time each week."

This week Sydney-Siders can revisit their youth with the launch of evian Live Young Backyard. On Wednesday at Martin Place an oversized Hills Hoist clothesline which adults can swing from was there. Don't worry if you missed it, on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October from 8 am - 5 pm it will be at Bondi Beach opposite Roscoe St Mall. Go along and awaken that inner child!
I did go and visit the Hoist while it was in Martin Place and yes I did have a go. It was certainly a hit, many men, women and children were up for a swing.  I did feel that it was more of a simple advert for evian water and think more could have been made of the importance of play. However, if you are reading this you now know!

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